Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Photo Overload

Here's what my picture folder looked like when I loaded my camera onto on my computer and that was from just about five minutes of picture taking. The reason I have so many photos is because I was trying to make our Christmas cards so I could get them ordered. Another reason for taking so many photos is because kids don't exactly smile when you ask them to, let alone sit still for an entire ten seconds to take their picture. So I snap dozens upon dozens of photos hoping to find an okay one so I can put together a decent looking Christmas card. I'm not a card person, usually I don't send people cards. One of the exceptions is our yearly Christmas card and the other is when I give someone a gift I occasionally include a card with it. Or if I'm too lazy I'll just tell them it's from me. I really am a lazy person. Most of the time I try to do everything as easily and with as little effort as possible. I chalk up most of my current laziness to sleep deprivation. I've had it since '08 when my first child was born. Considering I've had three kids in four years then yeah I've never actually had a break from sleep deprivation, I've become somewhat accustomed to it. I'll probably go out and celebrate the night I get a full eight hours of sleep. Anyways, so after taking over a hundred pics and doing some rather great photo editing by yours truly here is the finished product.
Our 2012 Christmas card:

Update:  I wanted to mention that I ordered my cards through because they were having a great special. 20 cards for $4.99 and with shipping each card only ended up costing $.55. Pretty nice cards for that price. I did have a problem though, I didn't realize that basic shipping was going to take 14 days so their estimated arrival date was going to be 12/24/12. So you see how that wouldn't of worked for me. I needed to get the cards out by next week at the latest. Well I contacted their online customer service and a chat window was opened about five minutes later, Suzan answered my request. I told her about my conundrum and she was quick to help me. She offered me 7 day shipping which is half the time of the basic shipping for free! I've ordered from Vista print before and since then I've had nothing but good experiences from them. Yay, for great customer service!

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