Saturday, December 8, 2012

Proof I am a Gamer

 just hitting level 90
my characters

I started playing World of Warcraft December 2004, a month after the game was released. I would have played it right when it came out but my husband and I bought Everquest II instead. Both games came out the same month. Unfortunately we found out the hard way that the game had a lot of bugs and wasn't exactly what we had been expecting. We were hoping it would of been just a more polished version of Everquest. We both had played EQ for many years. Warcraft was refined, had very little bugs, and had different graphics then I had ever seen. 
The first character I got to level 60 (which was max level at the time) was Crix, my rogue. Since then I've tried every class and almost every race. I have two characters that are my favorites though, Thesk my lvl 90 Draenei Shaman and Sól my lvl 85 Night Elf Druid. WoW just celebrated their 8th anniversary. I've played all four expansions, Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, and Mists of Pandaria. I've raided, I've battled in PVP and Arenas, and I've mastered countless professions and achievements. I've had a good run. Even with the latest expansion though it's difficult to keep my attention. I just have too much other stuff to do nowadays. Don't get me wrong I love the game, there's so much to it but other things have become more important to me. It's nice that the game is still there if I ever want to get back into it. For now though I take my leave. 

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